Ctrl [Alt] Self
Lucia Riffel, Elise Thompson, Brittany Watkins
Curated by Allison Westerfield
Westobou, June 3 - August 6, 2022
halcyon (pt 1), 3D animation, pillows, mats, acrylic, tv, media player, 2022
Today, many people are steeped in a constant flow of information circulated by a variety of media.
Whether online or off, the scrolling content transfers from person to person, moving from screen to
memory and back. The message streams from all angles. An inundation of the virtual motivates
consumption in the material world. The digital realm feels inescapable to the extent that closing or turning
off our devices does not completely shield us from the constant flow. We are enveloped in distraction
seeking to find interiority.
Ctrl [Alt] Self refers to each individual's search for a place that rests between interiority and exteriority.
This exhibition features an interwoven dialogue between three female artists: Brittany M. Watkins, Lucia
Riffel, and Elise Thompson. Installation, painting, and video place the audience on a subliminal plane
where separate parcels of time and space depict facets of human interaction with the feed.
Whether online or off, the scrolling content transfers from person to person, moving from screen to
memory and back. The message streams from all angles. An inundation of the virtual motivates
consumption in the material world. The digital realm feels inescapable to the extent that closing or turning
off our devices does not completely shield us from the constant flow. We are enveloped in distraction
seeking to find interiority.
Ctrl [Alt] Self refers to each individual's search for a place that rests between interiority and exteriority.
This exhibition features an interwoven dialogue between three female artists: Brittany M. Watkins, Lucia
Riffel, and Elise Thompson. Installation, painting, and video place the audience on a subliminal plane
where separate parcels of time and space depict facets of human interaction with the feed.
halcyon, 3D animation, pillows, mats, acrylic, tv, media player, 2022
Left to right: halcyon, paintings by Elise Thompson, lull